“Business For The Common Good è la conferenza ideata con l’obiettivo di creare la condizione ideale per generare networking e confronti tra CEO di varie aziende riguardo al tema Common Good in Italia.
Business For The Common Good is a half-day, closed-door networking discussion that creates the ideal condition for CEO-to-CEO exchanges
on the case for long-term thinking about business and social strategies on common good in Italy.
The theme of this 2nd edition is “Investing with Purpose”.
The event will include enlightened and inspiring speakers and contents, including the presentation of the results of the first Giving In Italy Survey,
research performed with CECP methodology and in collaboration with SDA Bocconi on corporate philanthropy in Italy.
The conference provides networking opportunities and will take place in the inspiring location of the Dynamo Academy Campus in the Tuscan hills.”
Fondazione Marazzina E.T.S. Ente Filantropico
Sede: Via Roncaglia 31, 20146 Milano
C.F. 97215220159
RUNTS 113077
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